Month: February 2015

The blessings of deferrals

Deferrals.  The little back out button when you realize you aren’t ready for a race.  I have officially pushed it.  Yup.  Today is the day that I need to acknowledge a fact.  I have not trained.  I cannot fake it.  I cannot just “do it” and make miles happen.  I am not sure if I am simultaneously acknowledging that being thirty-something has it’s downfalls, but I will say, man…I don’t remember my race ambitions requiring a level of training that if derailed results in a deferral.

So lets talk deferral.  I have always LOVED the fact that most races have had this option available.  For whatever reasons, life happens, we need to embrace those moments that put the brakes on the accelerator and force us to realize we are merely human.  And for me, I hereby announce, I am human.

This last weekend at Disney’s Princess Half Marathon weekend and completing a 5K, 10K, and Half Marathon in a three-day period brought to my attention that I would not be nearly the athlete I am without my Advocare supplements.  My large muscle groups took maybe 15 training miles to find their zen…but those smaller muscles need a bit more to find their happy pace.  When you put super-excited large muscles with barely-keeping-up small muscles you have a recipe that spells I.N.J.U.R.Y.  So I took it slow.  I thanked my body for blessing me with the opportunity to even get out there and listened to it say, don’t push it.  And this past weekend was UH-MAIZE-ING!  We had an fantastic group of travelers and runners that always make this weekend special to me.  We all have our own running pace and we respect everyone’s happy pace and goals.  This weekend for me let me just run for fun with my buddies.

Running with Jessica is something that only a running buddy can even begin to comprehend.  It is like finding your soul mate, but while endurance running, talking about nothing and everything at the same time, craving donuts, taking pictures, and watching each mile just pass seamlessly by over three hours.  She is an amazing friend that always evokes the most positive outlook on life regardless of what struggles you may currently be battling.  Everyone needs a Jessica in their life!

Sprinting with Leah can only be described with a chest tightening lesson that barely breaths words of advice sounding something similar to, need-more-speed-work!  But man, that little champ has been racing RunDisney since the 100 meter dash.  This year was 400 meters with encouragement, sideline cheers, and a hands up, tutu finish.  I seriously cannot wait until she wants to race her first half marathon.  I will be there, every inch of that race with her…unless she is training to be really good then I will meet her at the finish line.

As I come down from the RunDisney high, I was faced with a full marathon in three weeks.  UH-YEAH-NO.  My heart and body just aren’t where I had hoped when I signed up in November.  Hence I embrace that little option that puts a 2016 race on my calendar for free (positive perspective, right?!?!)

Today, I am thankful for the deferral button and a race with open registrations.  Shamrock Marathon weekend, I’m excited for you to meet my iRun4 Buddy Noah and race with his NEW CHAIR (HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY BUDDY!) plus a super mega awesome opportunity to enjoy visiting some friends.  These are friends that have become family over the last 10+ years.  Have I ever mentioned that Virginia Beach/Fort Story was the first beach I remember, ever?  Well it is!

Now, back to my new found obsession: Craigslist.  I never EVER thought of myself as a deadmiller, but I’m about going crazy without some miles in my life, so here’s to owning a treadmill!  Because I give up with below freezing temperature and this wind.  Winter, you have never made me miss Florida so much until this year.