A Challenge on Travel – Day 2

Today was a bit more difficult than yesterday as I was not in control of the schedule.  Field work began at 8AM and continued until 1PM.  This bit of information matters because bathrooms and snack times are not on your schedule or readily available.  Sips of water and noshing in the car were sparse but overall, today was great and I got in a full workout.  The toughest thing for me is will power.  When that muffin screams EAT ME or the garlic bread inches its way into my brain through it’s delectable aroma, it takes truly remembering the end game.  I noticed that without my usual intake of water, my hunger was derailed and my tummy wasn’t processing like it should.  When I thought I was hungry, I really was just really thirsty.  I believe this changed my satisfaction levels at meal times.  Now at 10PM I’m feeling over fed.  I tend to prefer food over shakes…but tomorrow I may switch it up a bit given my intake today.

Day 2

Hotel breakfast with eggs, sausage, avocado, diced tomatoes

Apple from gas station and an AdvoBar Cinnamon Apple YUM

Beef jerky (picked up at Publix yesterday) and NutTrition mix

Restaurant salmon salad with strawberries, pecans, and balsamic vinaigrette

Peanut butter and carrots (picked up at Publix yesterday)

Restaurant Eggplant and spinach roll up with tomato sauce

2.25 Miles (0.25 Walk – 1.5 Run @ 9.5 min/mile pace – 0.5 Walk)
10 Shoulder Press
10 Tricep Press
10 Bent Over Rows
10 Sit Ups
10 Core Flutters
REPEAT 3 TIMES (run not included)

Running felt great.  I missed it so much and I was impressed with my ability to pick up at 9.5 pace after such a long break.  While I wanted to run forever, I decided to run less and listen more and picked the treadmill.  Treadmill means I definitely won’t be out for a long run.  During my run, my right knee began to have that weird rubber band feeling near the knee cap which we all knows comes from an imbalance of muscles.  I decided to try to test which muscles I needed to strengthen by engaging them in series.  First was my step style and lower leg muscles…nada.  Then focused on my upper leg muscles, which helped some.  Then moved up and focused on the glutes.  I couldn’t really engage the glute without the lower core BUT while I felt like my posture took the form of T-Rex requiring a bathroom break, my knee felt UH-MAIZE-ING.  Which made me really happy.  I have a 5K in a few days and I’ll be working on my booty muscles to ensure a successful evening.  Until they catch up, running like T-Rex requiring a bathroom it is!

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