When Life Hands You Lemons

When life hands you lemons…

Things get tough…they do.  And when they do, I think lemons.  Life lemons and the promise of a tall, cool glass of of lemonade.  I’ve always wondered the origin of this proverbial statement that has become so well known.  I would be lying that in moments of dealing with handfuls of lemons, I haven’t found myself despising the implication that lemonade is a desired beverage and it’s equivalency to contentment.  But looking into the history of this phrase brought out some thoughts on the concept of life lemons.

The optimistic phrase was introduced in 1916 but made famous in 1944 by Senator Homer (Indiana) during his first race.  In 2014, the life lemon may not be much more bitter than one of 1944.  I wonder if the personal struggles are the same in daily life as technology has grown and expectations grow higher with every sunrise.  So these are 5 things I remember as I juggle lemons…

1. Things always work out

Breathe.  I am never given anything in life that hasn’t effected me with a lesson or opportunity resulting in a positive outcome.  During the juggle it is easy to think of all the things that are going wrong, but stay positive.  When staying positive and doing my best to keep moving forward, things always work out…be it money, time, or health.  I can talk all day long about positive mental attitude and how important it is to our personal psyche, but this blog does it so well…I’ll just reference a post I enjoy.

Seven Habits for Creating and Maintaining PMA

2. Maintain yourself

First thing to go when the juggle begins are the little things like daily showers, brushing my teeth, eating healthy.  These things, when left out, result in even larger negativity spiral.  If I stick to what I know typically makes me feel good and healthy, the little things, don’t give them up.  The extra 20 minutes in the morning is more important spent on me than in my cubical, even if I’ve overslept.

3.  Keep your schedule

I may think that the stress NEEDS my attention at all times, but there is sanity in my schedule.  It is mine always.  The stress is momentary.  Sure, you need to tend to the resolution of the stress, but it has taken me many years to realize the natural progression toward a positive outcome if you keep doing number 4, every day.

4.  Look ahead

Keep the future in mind.  The past is the past and it is over, there is no machine that allows for alterations, no matter how much you wish to make a choice again, react differently, or just go back to when you know you were happy…only thing possible now is the future, so focus on overcoming struggles to celebrate the triumphs in the future

5. Turn off your mind

Easier said than done, I know, but find an activity that allows you to completely turn off.  A moment of relaxed intention to recharge your personal batteries.  For some that is exercise, running, yoga, sewing, knitting, video games or TV.  Just don’t let the activity consume you.  I know that I cannot hide from stress, I can only face it and move forward.  Once I have had my moment, remember Number 1 and keep moving forward.

Over time (be it a few days or a few months) stress will change, you will adapt, and you will overcome.  Life lemons test your ability to fight for yourself and your family.  It is worth the fight.

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