Category: Cleanse Phase

A Challenge on Travel – Day 10

Day 10 and the final day of the cleanse phase!  While I have a bit more to go to get back to myself, I cannot believe how incredible I feel after 10 days, just 10 simple days to erase two months of struggle…during a very busy business trip.  Staying at a Marriott Residence Inn helped give a few more options than the typical hotel room as it is equipped with a full sized refrigerator, a two burner range, and a microwave but a very large majority of food was eaten at restaurants.

Restaurant choices take will power and at times don’t have options that meet all your cleanse needs, but overall, fairly easy to stay on track.  I still ate at every meal and if options didn’t meet the cleanse needs, I didn’t treat it like the end of the world.  You do the best you can with what you have in front of you.  My co-workers and clients were not aware that I was on a cleanse as there was nothing dramatically different or restricted.  This peaked their interest in Advocare!  I am amazed at the immediate assumption that a cleanse must be the epitome of food angst and requires a permanent appointment with the toilet. UM, no thank you on whatever cleanse they are referencing.  The pride in the company I promote is indescribable.  The products work and they are meant for normal, real people…with normal, real lives…with normal, real budgets.  No expensive programs with expensive foods.  THIS IS DOABLE!  Anywhere, anytime, for everyone who is looking for a personal wellness journey.

I encourage you, if you have been thinking about a change but unsure where to start, Advocare may be for you.  Lifestyle changes are never overnight and they take patience and persistence.  Advocare helps by offering products that work with your food and your body to help keep you motivated, the people are so energetic and encouraging who are always excited for you to continue your journey, and you get to eat…a lot…of real amazing food :)

Day 10

Sausage, egg, strawberries

Beef Enchilada

Peanut butter and apple slices

Brats and veggies
Chocolate Chip Cookies

Weight 129 lbs
Height 5’9″
Chest 31″
Waist 25″
Hips 38″
Thigh Lower 19″
Thigh Upper 22″

Cleanse phase wiped away 6 pounds and 6 total inches in 10 days while on travel.  I am so excited to get back to my personal normal wellness and fitness levels…one day at a time.  Critiques will wonder why I couldn’t workout more, or eat better, or say no to a few adult beverages and sure, I guarantee that my results could have been more dramatic and I could have done more.  But that isn’t the point of this blog.  The point is that with the best products, the best choices, and the most exercise I could manage, I am closer to obtaining my personal wellness goals than if I had put off my start date another two weeks.

A Challenge on Travel – Day 9

A terrific Tuesday in the books.  Project review and site walks today with some down time.  I am a bit conflicted with the down time.  I enjoy having the opportunity to enjoy Florida, but feel a bit guilty for it at the same time.  I am not experiencing anything new, but I’m still experiencing the beach without my best friend, my Adam.  I know he is home doing his thing, hanging out with his friends, and enjoying his time.  I’m not sure why, aside from the fact my personality is a together type of personality, I get so sad when I have so much beauty around me to enjoy.  I pulled myself together, got in the car, and went to the beach.  It rained all morning so the sky was over cast with the sun peaking through, the sand was compacted and easy to walk on, the water was warm with waves that spoke of storms to come.  I enjoyed my floating time in the ocean with a swim.  I won’t have many other ocean opportunities in the coming months for these moments.  So I allowed myself to enjoy and the sadness dissipated.

Day 9

Peanut butter and whole grain toast

Spinach, tomato, chicken, and pesto flat bread with tomato soup

Mixed greens salad with chicken and tomatos

Ocean Swim
Slider Set
20 Mountain Climbers
20 In/Outs
10 Caterpillars

A Challenge on Travel – Day 8

Monday…even on travel they are grunty.  Our site walk schedule was based on others today.  We have a few escorts that required specific meeting times and that means there were moments of extended down time to get caught up.  While I may not have enjoyed walking sites in the heat of the day, I did enjoy the mid morning break to finish up some additional paperwork and take my inhaler.  Not sure what was up with the weather or air today, but I needed some extra treatments.  MAYBE I pushed my “light” activity the past few days, but this felt more like weather than physical.  I decided I would take it easy today, all around.

As I was not feeling well…I hit up some comfort food at lunch today.  I’m sure I could have worked around the menu, but it was a pizzeria.  And I love pizza.  #sorrynotsorry  Knowing that I will probably regret this decision tomorrow, my order went in as quickly as possible as if that demonstrated my commitment to pizza.  Do I recommend pizza?  No, never ever.  Do we all have a food friend we just can’t say no to?  Yes, and for me that friend is pizza.  While not a true justification, I told myself, “at least it was a fiber day.”

 Day 8

Peanut butter and apple slices

Personal sized pizza

Avocado salad and a beef enchilada

Carrots and snap peas with Italian dressing and sliced almonds

A Challenge on Travel – Day 7

Day 7 of the classic cleanse means one more day until the FIBER DRINK IS BACK!  Okay, I maybe I’m the only person out there who loves the fiber drink, but seriously I do enjoy the fiber drink.  Especially when I don’t have my MNS.  Just keeps me feeling great.  Let’s celebrate that day 8 is just around the corner.

Today was a “me” day and away from work and the hotel.  I ran my virtual run for the 5K Romp.  I had breakfast on my own.  I did my nails.  I traveled to Clearwater to see my brother in-law and his wife, Justin and Rachael.  Seeing Justin and Rachael was absolutely amazing.  I have been so homesick, seeing family and walking the beach helped remedy my Adam-blues.  I definitely am NOT missing Kansas, missing my Adam and pets, yes.  Hotel life just isn’t my thing, although I do accomplish many tasks in the chore-free solitude, I’m still in solitude.

While my day was full of many wonderfully relaxing things, I just couldn’t keep my chill.  I did end up doing work when I returned for a few hours in my hotel room.

Day 7

Breakfast wrap and hot tea

Planters NutTrition Mix and Apple Slices


Frenchy’s grouper nuggets with buffalo wing sauce

Spinach Salad with snap peas, carrots, sausage crumbles

5K Virtual Race in a sauna style workout facility
(oh I was very much wishing for 45 degree Leavenworth weather)

A Challenge on Travel – Day 6

Day 6 and I’m back on cloud nine.  I cannot believe how great I feel…and the results so far! Teaser alert stats below.  I think back to just a week ago and I’m just so thankful I did not put this off any longer.  While my sleeping is still not sound or for prolonged periods of time, I did force myself to go back to sleep after 4:55AM hit and after 6:45 hit.  But I couldn’t make it much longer.  I got up and around but took it easy in the hotel room.  Read a little more Andy Andrews and watched some TLC TV…which amazes me what is on TV these days.  The hotel has digital cable or dish or something, but it skips a lot so it doesn’t stay on much.  Which is okay by me, but I wonder about everyone else who really loves their television.

Today was a good day.  I got out and about to see some of the beautiful areas that surround the communications towers that I have been inventorying for work.  Initially, I wanted to find my face lotion.  Yes, face lotion…what?  I forgot mine and my face is already reacting to Nutrogena’s sensitive skin sunscreen.  Well I got super frustrated trying to find a specific store and came up on a beggar at the stoplight.  Without hesitation, I grabbed two waters and two granola bars from my backpack and handed it to her.  I realized at that moment, I’ll just drive around giving out food and water.  It’s what I know.  It is what I did when I lived in Florida.  Each interchange has someone looking for food or work.  I always had granola bars and water in my car…sometimes a bag of apples, just for them.  So I did that for a few hours instead of buying dumb face lotion.  My pimples and Rosacea can wait…I can’t imagine being thirsty.

Then I went to the beach.  I know…tough day, right?

Day 6

Sausage, eggs, fruit

Hamburger with lettuce and tomato
(no bun and NO PICKLES!)

Sunset Salad with Grouper
(fancy house salad with farm to table like everything)

Another day where additional snacks just didn’t feel necessary

Restorative Yoga

Weight (no scale)
Height 5’9″
Chest 31″
Waist 25″
Hips 38″
Thigh Lower 19″
Thigh Upper 22.5″

Day 6 and I’m down 5 inches overall.  BOOOOM.  And no loss in my boobies or booty so my Adam will give that two thumbs up! HA!  I just love feeling like myself again.

A Challenge on Travel – Day 5

Hopping back on after day 4 was easy peasy.  One thing I’ve learned is that no matter what, a new day is a new beginning.  Regardless.  Can’t think about yesterday, don’t dwell on it.  Love the fact that the sun rises everyday with a promise to get up and get going.

Day 5

Meal Replacement Shake

Salmon on a bed of salad with veggies, fruits, and pecans.  New dressing was tried: Tomato Pesto…kind of like Italian but tomato-y, soooo good.

Steak, smashed sweet potato, green beans

Wasn’t feeling snacks.
Between the heat (death heat was upon us) and all the food from the night before, I was completely satisfied and full with the spread I had above.

2 Mile Run
25 Situps
25 Right Oblique Crunches
25 Left Oblique Crunches
25 Push-ups
REPEAT 3 TIMES (run not included)

Sleep.  Let’s talk about z’s.  Sleep is incredibly important on the cleanse, and every other day for that matter.  But so important in a time where you are asking your body to restart.  I will be the first to admit, my sleep patterns are not great.  I get 4-6 hours of sleep on average during the week days and 8-10 on the weekends (Friday/Saturday).  SOMETIMES I’ll get 12 hours if my body says so.  Tonight I’m wide awake because someone is getting married and they are partying hard with their family after the rehearsal dinner.  I can’t blame them and honestly, I enjoy hearing them even though my eyes burn with exaustion.  The only think I can think while I sit and watch the clock roll over 2AM is that lately I’ve been up at 4:55 on the dot in my hotel room.  I haven’t quite figured out why.  But I tend to wake up when I get too warm or the room becomes too bright.  At 4:55 we aren’t discussing bright, so I will try to mess with the thermostat tonight.  I have not been sleeping like I should and I’m feeling the effects.

A Challenge on Travel – Day 4

Okay, so truth…day 4 is my toughest.  In the “old” cleanse, it is the first day without fiber, which typically makes a huge difference in how I feel about food.  Today started out great food and nutrition wise.  Everything up to lunch was right on track.  Life wise, it was a bit of a stressful day.  Full of phone calls and on site politics.  Struggle with an escort who believes the best three lunch choices for our team is McDonald’s, Chick-Fil-a, or Chinese Buffet. And by 4PM the unanimous vote was for a wind down evening at the beach.  Being out with clients and your project team, creates an incredible space where will power is a struggle.  The indulge occurred.  It is 2PM and after a few Kona Big Waves and an enjoyable visit to the beach, I am at the hotel thinking I should be sleeping.

While today was not a winning day while on the cleanse, it was a day of getting to know my coworkers and my client for a successful two year project.  I will wake up in a few hours with a new day and new choices to conquer.

Outside of my current goals, being on travel brings a host of emotions.  Today is the first day I missed home immensely.  The tricky part is which HOME do I miss more…Florida or Kansas?  Hands down I miss my Adam and our pets, but after that…I still miss Florida.  Three years later, Florida still feels like home.  The smell, the heat (yes, the heat), the water, the life of just the two of us.  I miss it.  I know with our newest move, Adam is helping me get back to my roots, my family, my Adam.  And I’m ready to come home.  10 Days.

A Challenge on Travel – Day 3

Day 3 and I’m getting antsy to measure! I’m feeling great and I am surprised.  I didn’t think this would go as well as it has…honestly.  But the day is done and here is how it went!  The morning was long.  We started site walks at 8AM and continued without a break until 2PM which was an amazing lunch on the beach.

Day 3

Meal Replacement Shake

NutTrition Mix, Peanut Butter Pretzels

Bison Burger and broccoli
(no bun and NO PICKLES!…because pickles are ew!)

Fresh Fruit
(I may have broke my golden rule or “pair with a protein” but my satisfaction was awesome and that is a win in my book! No cravings, no worries.)

Buffalo Wild Wings Chicken

Power blast workout
10 Pushups
10 Mountain Climbers (brought sliders from home)
10 Sit ups
10 Toe Reaches (sit ups with legs in air, reach to touch your toes)
30 Second stretch

A Challenge on Travel – Day 2

Today was a bit more difficult than yesterday as I was not in control of the schedule.  Field work began at 8AM and continued until 1PM.  This bit of information matters because bathrooms and snack times are not on your schedule or readily available.  Sips of water and noshing in the car were sparse but overall, today was great and I got in a full workout.  The toughest thing for me is will power.  When that muffin screams EAT ME or the garlic bread inches its way into my brain through it’s delectable aroma, it takes truly remembering the end game.  I noticed that without my usual intake of water, my hunger was derailed and my tummy wasn’t processing like it should.  When I thought I was hungry, I really was just really thirsty.  I believe this changed my satisfaction levels at meal times.  Now at 10PM I’m feeling over fed.  I tend to prefer food over shakes…but tomorrow I may switch it up a bit given my intake today.

Day 2

Hotel breakfast with eggs, sausage, avocado, diced tomatoes

Apple from gas station and an AdvoBar Cinnamon Apple YUM

Beef jerky (picked up at Publix yesterday) and NutTrition mix

Restaurant salmon salad with strawberries, pecans, and balsamic vinaigrette

Peanut butter and carrots (picked up at Publix yesterday)

Restaurant Eggplant and spinach roll up with tomato sauce

2.25 Miles (0.25 Walk – 1.5 Run @ 9.5 min/mile pace – 0.5 Walk)
10 Shoulder Press
10 Tricep Press
10 Bent Over Rows
10 Sit Ups
10 Core Flutters
REPEAT 3 TIMES (run not included)

Running felt great.  I missed it so much and I was impressed with my ability to pick up at 9.5 pace after such a long break.  While I wanted to run forever, I decided to run less and listen more and picked the treadmill.  Treadmill means I definitely won’t be out for a long run.  During my run, my right knee began to have that weird rubber band feeling near the knee cap which we all knows comes from an imbalance of muscles.  I decided to try to test which muscles I needed to strengthen by engaging them in series.  First was my step style and lower leg muscles…nada.  Then focused on my upper leg muscles, which helped some.  Then moved up and focused on the glutes.  I couldn’t really engage the glute without the lower core BUT while I felt like my posture took the form of T-Rex requiring a bathroom break, my knee felt UH-MAIZE-ING.  Which made me really happy.  I have a 5K in a few days and I’ll be working on my booty muscles to ensure a successful evening.  Until they catch up, running like T-Rex requiring a bathroom it is!

A Challenge on Travel – Day 1

April 20th has been a big day for me to look forward to…the start of my challenge.  It has been on a countdown since March.  I’ve been sick.  Sick meaning two rounds of antibiotics, prednisone, new inhalers, most importantly very limited exercise (like none at all) and limited vitamins (WAAAAT!?!) plus a huge change in my “normal” life.  So this day has signified the day of normalcy to return.

Then…I get notified I’m going on a work trip for two weeks.  Now, for most, this would automatically deter any opportunity to get healthy.  It’s just too hard to be good unless you are home.  I have never felt this way with Advocare and therefore I decided to document that a 24-Day Challenge can most definitely be accomplished while on extended travel.  If you want something you will fight for it, and I want to feel my healthy normal again.  So here it goes.  Before you judge, here me out on this documentary.  Out and about, you gotta know what choices you have and that you DO have choices that work.  Are they better choices than those at home?  That I cannot answer as we all have different kitchens, but for my life, finding convenient choices that work with my goals is key.

Day 1

McDonald’s Sausage Egg McMuffin (minus the McMuffin) with REAL egg.  Did you know that you can order a real egg?  It is like a little poached goodness tucked away among all the processed monsters screaming for your attention.

AdvoBar Cinnamon Apple – this is my all time favorite AdvoBar, well, until they come out with that cookies and cream bar I’ve been pining over.

Publix deli salad with rotisserie chicken – Simple trick while vacationing or businessing, local grocery stores have a lot of options AND so do some gas stations these days.

NutTrition mix by Planters and pre-sliced apples – I did a little grocery shopping at Publix too!

Local seafood restaurant – Seasoned shrimp and green beans

Power blast workout
10 Burpees
5 pushups (right leg up)
5 pushups (left leg up)
Plank to failure

Weight 135lbs
Height 5’9″
Chest 31″
Waist 27″
Hips 38″
Thigh Lower 20″
Thigh Upper 23″

Herbal Cleanse (Classic)
Catalyst (9/day)
OmegaPlex (4/day)